What is 4,000x more powerful than love?
Citing applied research from replicated studies based on the Spane Scale of Emotion and developers at MIT and the Heartmath Institute using various tools such as AI or wearable devices to detect emotions and our ability to regulate them through biofeedback, content creators on LinkedIn and TikTok are now claiming that AUTHENTICITY is the key element to “manifesting” what you want in life.
LIBERTINE: freedom or folly?
I find it ironic that you’d be hard pressed to find an American, let alone a bible thumping version who didn’t pride themselves on being FREE, free of tyranny and of the “wages of sin,” and yet they’ve long used a synonym for freedom - LIBERTY - as a slur for anyone going beyond their set proprieties.
Heal my inner child??
The trauma community loves to talk about “healing your inner child” and spiritual cliques promote “shadow work” or healing “generational curses” but few explain why or how. Without any mumbo jumbo, all this really means is that you cannot sustain what your subconscious doesn’t feel “safe to have.”